Monday, August 4, 2008

Mother Nature at her best

The word nature comes from the latin word, Natura, which means, birth or nature (see Nature (innate)). In his first covers English, in the sense of all the phenomena of the world, was very late in history in 1662, but the nature and customization of mother nature, was widely appreciated in the Middle Ages and may be home to ancient Greece. The pre-Socratic philosophers of Greece invented nature aside, if the whole phenomenon in the world in one name and speaking as a single object: physis. Later, Greek thinkers as Aristotle were not as fully understood, with the exception of stars and the moon, "Supernatural", nature. Hence, from the Aristotelian - The nature in a broader framework and not all inclusive - Nature has been customized to a deity, and that is what we emergence of a mythological goddess of the nature. Later, medieval Christian thinker is not visible, like nature, including but thought it was God, their place was on earth, the sky and the moon. The nature was somewhere in the middle, with their agents (angel) and him (and hell demons). To the medieval mind, it was only a customization, not a goddess. The modern concept of nature, all inclusive of all phenomena, still in its pre-Socratic roots, rather than a deity or customization, except in a rhetorical sense, a bow to their illustrious tradition.

1 comment:

jack mendez said...

Nice avatar what place is that can you PM me where you get it.